The Schwab Family

Hello! We are the Schwab Family.
In 2010, we moved to the USA and since then live in beautiful New Jersey. We are originally from Germany. Well - at least Michael and Sabine are. Baby Girl Clara was born in October 2013 and is a real American Jersey Girl - with 2 passports. Likewise us, she enjoys traveling!
Because we wanted to keep family and friends up to date about what is going on in our lives, we started this blog. It's more than a "diary" now - we like to share our trips about moving abroad and living in New Jersey as Germans.
Read about how it is to buy a house, car, the working life, getting married, being pregnant, going through the American health care system, etc etc.
We provide insight into our lifes and tons of pictures - feel free to contact us any time if you have a question :-)

Blog-Sprache: Deutsch

Schlüsselwörter: Germans , New Jersey, Family, New York, travel
2Abstimmen[Hits: 412 - Added: 01-10-14]




Germany  auswandern Leben in New Jersey

  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Verschieben: Deutschland  USA
  • Interessen: Travel, Daytrips NJ, USA, Germans in NJ
  • Über mich: Hello! We are the Schwab Family. Welcome to our blog. In 2010, we moved to the USA and since then live in beautiful New Jersey. We are originally from Germany. Well - at least Michael and Sabine are. Baby Girl Clara Eleanore was born in October 2013 and is a real American Jersey Girl - with 2 passports. Likewise us, she enjoys traveling! We took her on a couple trips already and she looooves going on an airplane. Her Daddy, who recently got his private pilot license, is really proud of her! Because we wanted to keep family and friends up to date about what is going on in our lives, we started this blog in May 2010. A lot has happened in these past 4 years - we moved twice from Randolph, NJ to Rockaway, NJ and now own a house in Roxbury Township, NJ. We also got married twice: The first time in New York City on a cold but beautiful winter day in January 2011. The 2nd time, we said "Yes, I do", was to get God's blessing for our marriage and to celebrate with family and friends back in Germany in

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