Little Ms. Bossy

I'm exploring my new home in Austria, making discoveries and taking lots of photos along the way. I'm doing my best to create an extraordinary life.

Blog language: English

Key words: travel, opera, photos, love, Vienna
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US American US American expat living in Austria

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Usa  Austria
  • Interest: Travel, opera, photography
  • About me: I'm Louisa, aka Little Ms. Bossy. I'm a freelance opera stage director, and I've been blogging since August 2007. I recently moved to Vienna, Austria with my incredible fiancé CameraMan and our sweet Bossy Cat. This year I'll be racking up frequent flier miles working in Houston and New York and flying home whenever I can. I am: an explorer of new places. a voracious reader. a timid but curious cook. a lover of pop culture. a New Englander at heart. a fan of indie bands and sensitive singer songwriters. a cat person. an excellent speller. an amateur photographer. a foodie. an opera nerd. a smartass.

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