The Fourth Continent

This is the tale of a young Australian called Tanny who embarked on an unintended adventure to the far North of the world. She had some plans to go north, but not that north…those plans unravelled and Greenland became a serious option to live!

The first few people who found out about this thought it was a joke. Some less geographically aware didn’t even know Greenland was a real country. It is on the opposite side of the world to Australia, after all.

You’re invited to learn more about the world with her as discovers the Arctic and tries to make a life in Greenland, the fourth continent she’s lived in.

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You can join The Fourth Continent journey on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for unique photos and stories which won’t be on this blog.

Blog language: English

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Australia  expat living in Greenland

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Australia  Greenland
  • Interest: Culture and travel blogger
  • About me: Tanny grew up in Australia, in Sydney’s regular north-western suburbs. A third-culture kid twice removed, she was raised in a family with Malaysian-Chinese heritage eating food with a fork and spoon, but not being able to recognise a Beetles song from a Beach Boys number. Her university education in communication and international studies took her all over the world – she first went to China in 2007 to live for a year. Besides having a blast and learning some Mandarin, she also researched about ethnic minorities in China and was particularly interested in how tourism impacted their way of living. A significant moment in China was when she met a strange Dane. She spent the next year abroad in Aarhus, Denmark on a university exchange program where she first learnt a bit about the North. You’re invited to learn more about the world with her as she journeys to the Arctic and tries to live a life in Greenland.
  • Social networks: Twitter Facebook Instagram

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