De Paris à Xiamen

De Paris à Xiamen, ou l'art de s'infiltrer parmi les chinois. Ce blog retrace le parcours d'une FBC (French Born Chinese) depuis la France jusqu'en Chine, avec des conseils, des bons plans et des anecdotes sur Xiamen.

Langue du blog: Français

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Français Français expatrié vivant en Chine

  • Sexe: Femme
  • Parcours: France  Chine
  • Intérêts: Traveling, All kind of Sports, Cats, shopping, food, making news frien
  • A propos: My name is Anite. I am a FBC - French born Chinese - and I actually live in Xiamen. I don't find so many informations or pictures about this city, so I created this blog to help French people like me to come here, give them some tips and let them know how is life in Xiamen. My blog is only available in French for the moment because I wanted it to be a personal and useful blog for others French...

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