Tucan Dream

Location independent lifestyle, living your best life without necessarily retiring, financial advice from an unordinary CPA exloring a sustainable life in Costa


Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in Costa Rica

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Usa  Costa Rica
  • Interest: Sustainable Living, Nature, Location Independent
  • About me: My time is spent between my Colorado home in the rockies and building a new life in Costa Rica, exploring things I’m passion about like building habitats for animals, and helping to preserve our environment by making wise life decisions and educating others along the way. I’ll drive less, buy less and live more as I learn to slow down and savor nature’s wonders around me. I’ve rediscovered my love of writing, and who knows perhaps I’ll live some adventures worth writing a book about. This blog will document that journey as I downsize and embrace minimalism, it will also be a source of financial tidbits and tax advice, so you to can dream, and even better, grab hold of your dreams.
  • Social networks: Facebook Pinterest Instagram

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