Hello Madrid, Hola New York

I write this blog about my observations about Spanish (particularly Madrid) culture and how after eleven years I have become so integrated and accepted so many of the local cultural habits that when I go to New York I feel as if I were a foreigner in my own country. I compare a lot of cultural differences between Madrid and New York... the list is endless!


Idioma del blog: Español

Palabras claves: culture, shock, adjusting, differences, Madrid
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Usa  expatriado vivir a Madrid

  • Sexo: Mujer
  • Itinerario: EE.UU.  España
  • Interés: Expat life, integration and feeling foreign upon returning home
  • Sobre mi: I am originally from New York. I first went to Madrid to spend a summer between my junior and senior years of high school. It was that trip that began my love affair with Spain. I remember calling my mother and telling her that I had been born in the wrong country and that my soul was Spanish! After graduation college, I worked in NYC to save money and then moved to Madrid to fulfill my goal of living there for at least a year and learning Spanish... eleven years later, my Spanish is quite good and my expat experience continues, although now I would say I'm almost more Spanish - in some (but definitely not all) ways - than American.


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